Course code: WEB-35
  • Years with company: 0.5
  • Years programming: 3
  • Primary programming language: C
  • Other programming languages: C++ Rust Python Javascript
  • Unit test harnesses: I don't think I've used one? I've written test *benches* with test vectors for SystemVerilog before, but that might not be the same.
  • Something else: I have a lovely Bengal cat who occasionally uses my legs as his scratching posts and my arms as his chew toys.
  • Test practice now: Currently, either Cucumber or just running the code against CI when I push to Git.
  • Target system: Small evaluation board from ST fitted with a custom display
  • Dev tools: Visual Studio Code STM32CubeIDE
  • Build time: 31-60 seconds
  • Coding standard: - Red, green, refactor (I'm not entirely sure what else this entails)
  • Function too long: If I forgot what I wrote earlier...
  • Code reviews: We do mob programming, so we don't *usually* do code reviews as everyone is generally in the loop. Sometimes when we have to do solo work, though, we'll pull 1-2 people in to ensure the code is sane.
  • Code time: 15
  • Test time: 15
  • Debug time: 70
  • Favorite thing about dev: I like living in the embedded layer of coding, where it directly influences hardware. It's nice to see changes in software map to changes in real life.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Debugging. Sure, I might be the same as the majority (as stated in the intro video), but, yeah, the abyss of debugging can sometimes be a little deep.
  • Tdd knowledge: Write the test first, watch it fail (red), make it pass (green), and then improve it (refactor). Start from the simplest possible tests. Make it pass in the most direct way.
  • Why are you attending: Mandatory by the company. I'm also personally invested as TDD is a standard we've been using and I'd like official training on it to improve my understanding.