Course code: WEB-35
  • Years with company: 0
  • Years programming: 8
  • Primary programming language: C
  • Other programming languages: Python, C++, C#
  • Unit test harnesses: Tessy, Parasoft
  • Something else: I have worked before starting at Ypsomed as a working student at the Cyber Security Department at Siemens. Where I have been working on the generation of generic IDS rules. I am working as a DevOps Engineer at Ypsomed.
  • Test practice now: As a DevOps engineer I mostly write scripts, and then by executing the script, I would see, wether the script works as expected or not. (In my side projects I use gtest and the Visual Studio native unit test framework, and the debugger)
  • Target system: n/a
  • Dev tools: GitHub, Docker, Azure
  • Build time: 1-2 hours
  • Coding standard: MISRAC2012
  • Function too long: Deeply nested control structures and when you cannot determine the purpose of the function in a reasonable time
  • Code reviews: Done through pair coding and at the pull requests
  • Code time: 50
  • Test time: 30
  • Debug time: 20
  • Favorite thing about dev: Complex challenge
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Finding errors/bugs
  • Tdd knowledge: The idea behind it is clear, but I have never used this approach before.
  • Why are you attending: There was a single free slot, and it is a class, where I can learn a lot. I have been working at Siemens also on the automatisation of the debugger and had to use code coverage to generate IDS rules, but TDD is new to me.