Course code: ROL-3
  • Years with company: 3
  • Years programming: 10
  • Primary programming language: c++
  • Other programming languages: c bash
  • Unit test harnesses: gtest
  • Something else: I'm an external consultant on Rational as Davidson Consulting. It's my third big project. My jobs until now was always to help the software to grow from bad design to something better
  • Test practice now: Generally compagny I worked don't use unit test. When I'm free I try to use TDD and gtest but I think knowledge are missing to do it right.
  • Target system: I work mainly on the gui, so I cannot goes in details about the system.
  • Dev tools: vim, linux command line, tmux... Qt creator to be able to debug it.
  • Build time: 5-30 minutes
  • Coding standard: Unfortunately on this project there are no coding standard. I try to tell we needs coding standard.
  • Function too long: Not easy to answer this. By feeling. More most of the time is when I cannot read them without scrolling down.
  • Code reviews: ON this compagny code review is new, so not so much. On my previous job, I was lead developer, so I introduced code review. OUr quality increase a lot. The time to develop a feature grows by 40/60% but the bug report decrease to 80%.
  • Code time: 3
  • Test time: 1
  • Debug time: 6
  • Favorite thing about dev: Thinking to beautiful solution Really developing Going fast
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Debuging
  • Tdd knowledge: I think it the right way. I'm pretty sure I will adopt it when the knowledge will be enought.
  • Why are you attending: Get the answer of questions I have about how concretely doing and apply TDD.