Course code: WEB-30
  • Years with company: 0
  • Years programming: 30
  • Primary programming language: Swift
  • Other programming languages: Started on FORTRAN did C for a while, did just a touch of C++ then years of Java with all types of scripting Perl/shell/html etc. lately Swift and iOS.
  • Unit test harnesses: JUnit, touched Nunit; now focusing on Apples XCT Xcode test.
  • Something else: I’m a sailor, a dog person, I’m married to Tracy we have no kids and hope to retire soon.
  • Test practice now: Experimentation constantly Much of the last iOS app I wrote was 90% UI and so it was constantly running in simulator.
  • Target system: IOS and Mac. Maybe Mac servers. Cloud servers.
  • Dev tools: Xcode What Unix tools I can remember Xcode simulator and instruments tool
  • Build time: Under 10 seconds
  • Coding standard: Hmm, I guess it’s following along the lines of a C based std. but way more wordy than the old days. Heck I just had to fix some misspelled words that broke the Apple compiler so bad it gave the wrong error messages
  • Function too long: When I’ve got to scroll the screen.
  • Code reviews: I’m currently a team of one. Except on a side project. Pair programming with Lance Kind and TDD.Academy.
  • Code time: 80
  • Test time: 18
  • Debug time: 2
  • Favorite thing about dev: Building things. That feeling of dopamine when it all comes togeather on a screen.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Trying to remember one thousand details that are only needed for this one little bit of code that will be forgotten as soon as I can get it to work right.
  • Tdd knowledge: Kent beck and others invented it to make my life with code so much easier. If only I’d use it -ALL the time.
  • Why are you attending: I’m interested in how an expert teaches TDD and all the extras of a hard domain today.