Course code: CIT-1
  • Years with company: 12
  • Years programming: since 2005
  • Primary programming language: C
  • Other programming languages: C++, little bit of python and C#
  • Unit test harnesses: googletest
  • Something else: I prefer to follow a pragmatic approach to software engineering and development, exploration and experimentation.
  • Test practice now: mix of automation, unit test, component test and manually.
  • Target system: could be linux or windows, simple or complex deployment
  • Dev tools: VS Code, Visual studio, git bitbucket
  • Build time: 5-30 minutes
  • Coding standard: short functions, no global variables, simple solutions and code obvious to understand
  • Function too long: nested control structures, duplicate code, unnecessary overhead, having multiple responsibilities, depends...
  • Code reviews: Understand what problem this code change addressing and how. Flow of the code and data. Avoid or minimize use of global, local variables. Error handling, resource cleanup, return values and parameters to functions, their time etc.
  • Code time: 40
  • Test time: 20
  • Debug time: 40
  • Favorite thing about dev: Problem solving, to be able to synthesize thought/idea to real world code.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: too much context switching
  • Tdd knowledge: Write failing test case and let it fail, then write the (production) code that makes it pass.
  • Why are you attending: I am convinced with the value and importance of Test driven development. To consciously develop the mindset needed to apply TDD skills in every day operations.