Course code: WEB-28
  • Years with company: 19
  • Years programming: 19
  • Primary programming language: java
  • Other programming languages: C++
  • Unit test harnesses: JUnit
  • Something else: I love both cats and dogs! (Note: Working on incremental enhancements to a "legacy" system and with work that's ramping up - that's why the % of development activities below may seem really skewed).
  • Test practice now: Using a custom embedded unit test harness, after the code is written (I'd like to change that!)
  • Target system: Embedded, size constraints
  • Dev tools: Eclipse
  • Build time: 1-5 minutes
  • Coding standard: Minimal, coding standard "by example" (supposed to be based on what Uncle Bob suggests in Clean Code?), so nothing enforced in an IDE
  • Function too long: There are probably several different signs. One is when unit testing, there are several different disparate outputs and output paths - in other words, it doesn't do just one thing.
  • Code reviews: We've been having working meetings over video conferencing SW where the SME goes over the code with those less experienced and also makes changes. Also, we're looking at tools that integrate w/ our ALM tool for more traditional, reviews.
  • Code time: 10
  • Test time: 80
  • Debug time: 10
  • Favorite thing about dev: It's exact - given input(s), you get expected output(s).
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Sometimes (often), work takes more time than anticipated.
  • Tdd knowledge: A good amount - I've used it in the past when I used to develop web applications and desktop applications using Java. I've also taken some informal training on it (non-embedded, non-C++) and it was covered a little bit in a CS graduate course.
  • Why are you attending: I want to learn how to do TDD in an embedded setting and bring back the ideas and knowledge to my team. We are currently using a custom harness that's HW-dependent. I also want to learn about TDD for C++.