Course code: WEB-27
  • Years with company: 15
  • Years programming: 25
  • Primary programming language: C
  • Other programming languages: C++ JAVA VHDL SystemVerilog Python
  • Unit test harnesses: none
  • Something else: I am mainly an FPGA / ASIC / SOC and embedded systems design and verification engineer
  • Test practice now: using system and module level Testbenches
  • Target system: Communication systems, Wireless comms, Video and image processing, Cybersecurity
  • Dev tools: Vivado, Quartus, Keil, Visual studio, Workbench, ARM and TI tools as and when needed.
  • Build time: 5-30 minutes
  • Coding standard: adhoc or to company standards such as IEEE
  • Function too long: more than one side of A4
  • Code reviews: between 30 minutes to and hour.
  • Code time: 50
  • Test time: 20
  • Debug time: 30
  • Favorite thing about dev: It can be a very creative and interesting activity. Always interesting to be able to learn new languages and techniques.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: To much adhoc techniques involved and guesswork as per how long things take. Testing can be tedious !
  • Tdd knowledge: just read James book !
  • Why are you attending: To gain a much deeper understanding of why how and when to use TDD.