Course code: WEB-27
  • Years with company: 0
  • Years programming: 6
  • Primary programming language: c/c++
  • Other programming languages: Python, Haskell
  • Unit test harnesses: CUnit
  • Something else: Finished MSc in Computer Science at Chalmers last year, been working as an embedded software engineer. I like playing video games and breaking them ;)
  • Test practice now: Test at module/component/multi-component levels.
  • Target system: Embedded linux
  • Dev tools: Coverity static analysis Vim Neoclide/coc (clang completion) vim ccls
  • Build time: 1-5 minutes
  • Coding standard: Permissive to allow for code readability yet there is a structure to follow when concered with certain things.
  • Function too long: If it performs too many computations which could be defined externally.
  • Code reviews: We use gerrit - code from a team member is viewed by all, but only 1 person is required for sign-off. A bot also performs checks on the change.
  • Code time: 10
  • Test time: 55
  • Debug time: 35
  • Favorite thing about dev: The feeling I get when I get to implement a design, and also the feeling I get when I find a illusive bug.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: idk :|
  • Tdd knowledge: test-driven-development: writing tests to define acceptance criteria before hand.
  • Why are you attending: I came across your website a year ago when I was working at a different company where testing was all done manually, ugh months and months of filling in test steps and results in a excel sheet.