Course code: SAND-1
  • Years with company: 1
  • Years programming: 8
  • Primary programming language: C++
  • Other programming languages: Python
  • Unit test harnesses: I perform without the aid of a harness or safety net.
  • Something else: I still can't find my normal toilet paper.
  • Test practice now: I write some short functional tests and try to capture the different use cases.
  • Target system: n/a
  • Dev tools: IAR, Eclipse.
  • Build time: 31-60 seconds
  • Coding standard: Just get it done. Refactor later.
  • Function too long: Structurally, the function is too long when there are 3 or more nested conditionals or loops. However, another way to think of it may be that it takes more than a few seconds to look at it and understand what's going on.
  • Code reviews: n/a
  • Code time: 50
  • Test time: 25
  • Debug time: 25
  • Favorite thing about dev: I enjoy the end result when a device works as intended.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: I wish customers always knew exactly what they wanted and what is within reason. Changing requirements/priorities and the entire area of customer management is the worst.
  • Tdd knowledge: tdd is short for test driven development.
  • Why are you attending: Don't you know what's going on outside?