Course code: WEB-24
  • Years with company: 12
  • Years programming: 15
  • Primary programming language: C
  • Other programming languages: I've used C++, python
  • Unit test harnesses: Google test
  • Something else: I enjoy collecting vinyl records and I belong to an Olympic weightlifting club.
  • Test practice now: A large part of our code is tested manually as part or a larger system. We're starting to adapt unit testing and a small portion of our code is unit tested.
  • Target system: Embedded systems.
  • Dev tools: Gcc, PC simulators, VS code.
  • Build time: 1-5 minutes
  • Coding standard: The coding standard is a little hard to follow and seemed to be setup before modern IDEs were available.
  • Function too long: A function is considered too long when it does one more than one thing.
  • Code reviews: Code reviews are done before every patch is submitted. A developer isn't allowed to review their own patches.
  • Code time: 30
  • Test time: 30
  • Debug time: 40
  • Favorite thing about dev: I liked seeing the code/projects I work on end up on devices that are used by customers around the world. I enjoy digging into bugs and trying to solve the issues for our customers.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: The manual testing process and vague bug reports that are hard to track down to root causes.
  • Tdd knowledge: I know TDD means developing tests first and that more time is spent up front so that less time is spent tracking down issues in the field.
  • Why are you attending: We've started to adopt unit testing. I'm interesting in learning new strategies to help with this.