Course code: ACL-1
  • Years with company: 0
  • Years programming: 5
  • Primary programming language: C
  • Other programming languages: C++, C#, java
  • Unit test harnesses: Tessy with jenkins
  • Something else: I've been working on developing safety related SW and as the developer could not test his own code other people was in charge of doing it. So I knew more or less how they did it but never created any test.
  • Test practice now: I haven't been long enough in this company to start testing my code. But as far as I know ADO pipelines are used to execute the unit tests.
  • Target system: Renesas RX
  • Dev tools: IAR, visual studio, eclipse
  • Build time: 5-30 minutes
  • Coding standard: Company coding standards based on MISRA-C rules.
  • Function too long: It is stablished in the company coding rules. But personally I try them to have less than 20 lines if possible
  • Code reviews: Not yer done in the actual company. But before I have used code collaborator to review the code of my colleges and my colleges reviewed my code with it.
  • Code time: 5
  • Test time: 0
  • Debug time: 5
  • Favorite thing about dev: Is not a mechanical work, every task is different so you can hardly get bored in software development.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Sometimes it consumes a lot of time to solve a problem that at the beginning didn't look such a problem.
  • Tdd knowledge: Not much, if I'm not mistaken the procces consist on creating and executing the tests first and developing after if needed.
  • Why are you attending: The company has offer to do it and it looks interesting