Course code: JHAP-1
  • Years with company: 5
  • Years programming: 7
  • Primary programming language: C/C++
  • Other programming languages: Verilog/VHDL
  • Unit test harnesses: Ceedling
  • Something else: I'm starting training for managing a project. Also, I have a golden retriever/yellow lab mix.
  • Test practice now: Full system regression tests
  • Target system: ARM (zynq systems)
  • Dev tools: Current project - none
  • Build time: 1-5 minutes
  • Coding standard: Current project - none
  • Function too long: No reason/system
  • Code reviews: Full sw team review (3 people) through gitlab
  • Code time: 25%
  • Test time: 45%
  • Debug time: 30%
  • Favorite thing about dev: It's like a puzzle, challenging but interesting. Coding is also versatile and can help in variety of ways.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Determining how long a task will take. Finding/fixing large bugs on short deadlines.
  • Tdd knowledge: Based on 1 project of experience, I know that it's best to enforce modularity that can be easily tested and integrated with other "modules." Also, tests should be written before the functions and should be run every time there's a change.
  • Why are you attending: After chasing bugs in legacy code, I'd like to implement tdd structure for that project. Also, I'm starting to manage a project, and I've seen the benefits of tdd in my other project.