Course code: UBL-1
  • Years with company: 10
  • Years programming: 20
  • Primary programming language: c
  • Other programming languages: c++, python, cmake, groovy, c#, bash
  • Unit test harnesses: CppUtest
  • Something else: I'm mostly involved in system integration, build system, mostly cmake. I'm an internal promoter of unitesting and test/build automation.
  • Test practice now: Unitesting, manual test on real HW, test automation on real HW
  • Target system: ARM
  • Dev tools: Text editor, sometime VisualStudio2010 express or other IDE for debugging, static analysis tools and unitesting.
  • Build time: 30-60 minutes
  • Coding standard: MISRA and few indentation guidelines
  • Function too long: When it is no more easily readable in my editor. Something around 50 lines
  • Code reviews: We use SWARM perforce web base tool
  • Code time: 30
  • Test time: 20
  • Debug time: 50
  • Favorite thing about dev: I like the challenge of understanding complexity (in requirements or implementation) and potential beauty of keeping it simple
  • Least favorite thing about dev: I do not like to make mistakes in committed code I do not like repetitive tasks
  • Tdd knowledge: I try to use it as much as possible when starting something new from scratch. I give it a try both in c and python
  • Why are you attending: 5 years ago someone in the company propose TDD and "TestDrivenDevelopmentForEmbeddedC".I use this technique, I propose it and review many unitests.This training is a good chance to review where I am and how to proceed further in TDD land.