Course code: UBL-1
  • Years with company: 1
  • Years programming: 15
  • Primary programming language: C/C++, JS
  • Other programming languages: Python
  • Unit test harnesses: Now I use CTest. Before I have used: Tessy, CUTE(Rolls-Royce homemade),RapiTest Framework, Jest, unittest (Python)
  • Something else: I am from Malaga, Spain. I like climbing and swiming in the sea (not much in the UK though!!) and I am a pure SW guy. I have been playing with PCs since I was 14 or so and I tend to spend quite some time exploring Github/making side projects.
  • Test practice now: Ctest
  • Target system: So very briefly, we have different HW models that have common stuff between them. Most of the times are small changes in the HW between versions and that provokes people to have one code for all versions full of #if defined(PLATFORM_MODEL1) etc.
  • Dev tools: VSCode, Perforce,cmake, ctest, ninja(compiler)
  • Build time: 5-30 minutes
  • Coding standard: I would say it is ok. However, it is not updated since 2013 or so, and it has stuff that with modern IDEĀ“s should not be needed. e.g. 1. Separate functions with // ------------------------- 2. Prefix variables with m_ s_ whatever
  • Function too long: When the function tries to do something else than what the function name says. Also, I tend to be able to look at an entire function without having to scroll down. Too many ifs is a signal as well that the function is too long...
  • Code reviews: An incredible high number of the comments are opinions and not facts. All of code must be reviewed before submission.
  • Code time: 20
  • Test time: 30
  • Debug time: 50
  • Favorite thing about dev: What I like the most about developing software is thinking new ideas and being able to make them real. Physical stuff tend to be more difficult to make, for SW you """only""" need a PC.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: People. Unfortunately, the industry is full of high ego persons that think they are the best and what they say/think is gold so they do not even bother listening.
  • Tdd knowledge: I watched a course on Udemy.
  • Why are you attending: I was told to go even though I already know TDD. Culture and processes should change with this course or I hope so...