Course code: CISCO-25
  • Years with company: 9
  • Years programming: 33
  • Primary programming language: C++
  • Other programming languages: C, Java, Python, Lua
  • Unit test harnesses: CPPUTest Swift (Internal to Cisco) pytest pyats (Internal to Cisco)
  • Something else: Compulsive Geek, when my family allows me
  • Test practice now: At several levels. White box (CPPUTest, Swift, pytest), Black box (pyATS) Sometimes manual tests (black box)
  • Target system: Cisco platforms (Polaris - Wireless)
  • Dev tools: Mainly Eclipse, sometimes vi
  • Build time: 11-30 seconds
  • Coding standard: C++11 C99 (Those are the ones I feel most comfortable with)
  • Function too long: 1) Semantically, there is a clear split (you see it's doing more than one "different" thing 2) Visually, it takes more than 2 screens
  • Code reviews: Done for every patch. Need at least one approver. Currently done on (internal instance of) Github. I believe all code should be reviewed and approved before being committed. Otherwise, code quality will quickly degrade
  • Code time: 0.3
  • Test time: 0.5
  • Debug time: 0.2
  • Favorite thing about dev: Everything. In particular, optimization (memory, CPU, network, etc)
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Maintaining bad-quality code
  • Tdd knowledge: I've practised it in the past, with CPPUTest
  • Why are you attending: I want to know more (and the latest and greatest) on TDD