Course code: NEAT-1
  • Years with company: 1
  • Years programming: 5
  • Primary programming language: Python
  • Other programming languages: C++, Matlab, bash
  • Unit test harnesses: unittest (Python), catch2 (C++)
  • Something else: When I grow up, I want to be Batman.
  • Test practice now: Simulator, unit tests, compile the code The objective of our peer reviews is to find mistakes and ways that the code can be improved. Also, team members are supposed to make sure that the different pieces of the code are used and integrated correctly. We have a handful of unit tests (which are relatively recent), but we do not have much in the way of automated testing.
  • Target system: Embedded devices
  • Dev tools: Visual Studio, Vim, git (BitBucket), Jira
  • Build time: 5-30 minutes
  • Coding standard: Our team's coding standard is: conform to whatever the coding standard is in that particular file.
  • Function too long: * Variables in one part of the function don't depend on variables in an earlier part * The scope is very broad <--> it does too many things * There is a logical breakpoint
  • Code reviews: They are slow, but I do learn from them.
  • Code time: 70
  • Test time: 10
  • Debug time: 20
  • Favorite thing about dev: * Solving puzzles * Fixing things * Writing code that I can be proud of because it is easy for others to understand and use * Knowing that my code gets used by people
  • Least favorite thing about dev: * Tracing through other people's code to figure out what it does and why they did it that way * Errors that are difficult to debug, difficult to reproduce, and seemingly unrelated to anything I did
  • Tdd knowledge: When developing a feature: 1. Write a test 2. Run the test and verify that it fails 3. Write code to make the test pass
  • Why are you attending: I am attending because my work decided that our team would do this training. I am looking forward to it because the more coding I do, the more I see how incredibly important testing is.