Course code: ZOO-1
  • Years with company: 0
  • Years programming: 10
  • Primary programming language: Python
  • Other programming languages: C++ C
  • Unit test harnesses: unittest (Python) googletest (C++)
  • Something else: Worked previously as an Aerodynamicist. Joined Zoox as a software engineer--slight career change.
  • Test practice now: With googletest.
  • Target system: Linux
  • Dev tools: VSCode Git
  • Build time: 11-30 seconds
  • Coding standard: In-house guidelines right now.
  • Function too long: Number of lines is a good indicator. Some standards suggest (I think) 50-80 lines. Also if the 'function' is performing multiple 'functions' that could logically be separated into their own units.
  • Code reviews: Reviews are done by team-members in my local group, or outside the group if there is a better expert for the subject.
  • Code time: 20
  • Test time: 40
  • Debug time: 40
  • Favorite thing about dev: Constant problem solving.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Some products/programming areas are boring--I'd be bored programming marketing websites for a living, for example. But honestly, I haven't been professionally programming that long, so new and fresh is good compared to the old career so far.
  • Tdd knowledge: Not much.
  • Why are you attending: Replacing a coworker in the class. Just found out the Friday before.