Course code: WEB-20
  • Years with company: 2
  • Years programming: 20
  • Primary programming language: C++
  • Other programming languages: C, Java, Python, Ada, C#, Javascript
  • Unit test harnesses: Googletest, TUT, JUnit, cpptest
  • Something else: I love nature and hiking . When I am not on holiday I also love to learn new technologies because I like to change the world and improve the peoples life quality.
  • Test practice now: I first use unit tests, then when I finished a library or executable I write component tests (black body) and after integrating my piece of software with other libs or modules I write integration tests and lastly I test the whole system with system tests. I write unit tests with the same language used for the component, but then upwards in the test pyramid I use python for testing.
  • Target system: At my current employee I use Zync7000 target small 32 bits processor, also IMX51 from Zylinx.
  • Dev tools: Ubuntu OS: Visual Code, bash, tmux and CMake.
  • Build time: 1-5 minutes
  • Coding standard: We use google code standard as an employee at Trimble. But I prefer the core guidelines developed by the C++ community.
  • Function too long: Usefully longer than 1 page, when you need to scroll... Then probably you should retink or factor out code to a smaller unit.
  • Code reviews: They are quite new for this company but helps to improve on knowledge, best practices and spread new ideas/knowledge.
  • Code time: 30
  • Test time: 30
  • Debug time: 40
  • Favorite thing about dev: That you can be creative and always change doing things and improve in your skills. The code that I did 10 years ago compared to today are quite different! Also I practice my brain to develop and become efficient.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: All the things around developing software. The un-seriousness from the sector that things go so fast and its so easy. I come to know that this is an engineering skill like any other discipline.
  • Tdd knowledge: The first customer is your test, so if you start with the test the code will be better designed and easier to maintain because some pre thought was given to it. Writing code for a first user is always good.
  • Why are you attending: I would like to introduce TDD into my team so that we can write even better code!