Course code: CARBON-2
  • Years with company: 0
  • Years programming: 5
  • Primary programming language: C++
  • Other programming languages: Pyrhon
  • Unit test harnesses: Pytest Google Test
  • Something else: no thanks
  • Test practice now: we don't have unit tests. We do everything end to end w/ a combination of python and manual testing. Our current challenge is dealing w/ a codebase, that is maintained by two separate teams, w/o a lot of unit tests, and no will/desire to change.
  • Target system: macOS. Some higher level, w/ some low level mixed in
  • Dev tools: Xcode (terrible for C++ development) VMware Fusion, Python/pytest for testing jenkins svn
  • Build time: 1 day or more
  • Coding standard: we don't have a formal one.
  • Function too long: unfortunately our codebase has some COLLOSAL functions. 1000s lines, gotos, lack of comments, bad organization overall.
  • Code reviews: we do have code reviews but I feel we can standardize them more. Also we use review board and svn which feels like its from the 90s/
  • Code time: 1
  • Test time: 7
  • Debug time: 2
  • Favorite thing about dev: I enjoy the process, challenge, creativity of it. I also like developing products that impact peoples lives. but mostly I like development because it can be challenging and I like working on interesting problems.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Bureaucracy. People who don't know what they're doing messing things up for the rest of us. Can be a grindstone sometimes
  • Tdd knowledge: TDD is great! I would love it if my team/division transitioned to it. The real challenge is working w/ our 'legacy spaghetti' code base w/ limited resources and ~high expectations from product. I use it a lot in personal projects.
  • Why are you attending: I hope to gain useful info that I can use in my job and my career. I am not sure if my team will actually commit to change, but if they do, I am behind it.