Course code: BARR-8
  • Years with company: 20
  • Years programming: 25
  • Primary programming language: C/C++
  • Other programming languages: Python, Matlab
  • Unit test harnesses: Pytest, C# Unittest
  • Something else: involved in biomedical research, typically a combination of hardware and software. Historically mostly PC programming with some embedded, but embedded projects are increasing. I am an electrical engineer with mostly self-taught programming experience.
  • Test practice now: No formal methods used regularly. Methods change depending on specific project and team members.
  • Target system: varies
  • Dev tools: usually Code Composer Studio for embedded C projects
  • Build time: Under 10 seconds
  • Coding standard: varies with project
  • Function too long: generally use page of text rule-of-thumb, or can no longer simply state what is does
  • Code reviews: mostly self-review
  • Code time: 60
  • Test time: 20
  • Debug time: 20
  • Favorite thing about dev: The general design aspect of it, seeing a project develop and become usable in solving a problem.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: I guess the final stages or maintenance...taking care of the more trivial things
  • Tdd knowledge: Basically, I have read some blog posts on it.
  • Why are you attending: I'm looking to see if more formal techniques like TDD or Agile can be applied to our small group (research-oriented, mostly one-off prototypes). I want to improve my own skill sets and hopefully improve productivity.