Course code: WEB-11
  • Years with company: 2
  • Years programming: 3
  • Primary programming language: LabVIEW
  • Other programming languages: Java, Python, C/C++, VHDL
  • Unit test harnesses: None. Throughout the college I never wanted my potential employees to push me into the Software Test roles.
  • Something else: I have been deployed as a field engineer in Saudi Arabia for 2 years, thus all my college coding skills are rather rusty. My team is currently working with LabVIEW which is not really programming but the TDD concepts apply and we use them.
  • Test practice now: I am yet to start working with the code.
  • Target system: National Instruments CompactRIO platform, (ARM processors and other controllers in the future)
  • Dev tools: National Instruments LabVIEW platform
  • Build time: 1-5 minutes
  • Coding standard: Have not been exposed to it yet
  • Function too long: I don't
  • Code reviews: Haven't had any yet
  • Code time: 0
  • Test time: 0
  • Debug time: 0
  • Favorite thing about dev: I like the challenge and the joy that comes with finding a neat solution.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: The overhead time before a single line is written (especially relevant when you are working on a simple system that uses both microprocessor and integrated FPGA fabric)
  • Tdd knowledge: It is supposed to improve the development time overall and make the code safer and more reliable - important in the industrial solutions, not so much for startups.
  • Why are you attending: I dont know much about testing code at all - this is my personal motivation. It is also a part of my job progression path. Although it was preferred I chose some other internal training, I decided to push for this one.