Course code: COB-3
  • Years with company: 3
  • Years programming: 16
  • Primary programming language: c
  • Other programming languages: c++
  • Unit test harnesses: nothing
  • Something else: NA
  • Test practice now: developer level testing which is more of sub-system test. Use debugger extensively to ensure testing specific leg of code by manipulating variables on run time. Then we move for target test where few end to end Test case being tried.
  • Target system: .
  • Dev tools: .
  • Build time: 5-30 minutes
  • Coding standard: We need to follow coding guidline published for developers. Though I am not sure when it was updated last time.
  • Function too long: there is no set standard. Noone check cyclomatic complexity here so usually noone bothers. Its just if you find during review that lets break this function. Otherwise based on cyclomatic comlexity code can be refactored to make it more maintainable.
  • Code reviews: It has to be done as part of process and code collabrator being used for this. Reviews usually target adherence to coding standard and also check functional need/requirements.
  • Code time: 30
  • Test time: 30
  • Debug time: 40
  • Favorite thing about dev: Its art. On black box level everyone can see the same behaviour but inside you get chance to try and attack problem as you find interesting. It satisfy your appetite for challenge.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: long requirement and design cycles. Somehow it stops you to try early prototypes. Or sometime end up forcing you to write which is bound to not to work!
  • Tdd knowledge: Nothing much.
  • Why are you attending: Well, its company initiative so I have to be part of it. Also somewhere I want to see alternate way of attacking the problems. Our approach has become monotonous and no scope of fresh ideas. So anything new perspective is most welcome.