Course code: CISCO-19
  • Years with company: 3
  • Years programming: 9
  • Primary programming language: C and C++
  • Other programming languages: Java
  • Unit test harnesses: Junit, cUnit
  • Something else: Passionate for programming.
  • Test practice now: cUnit
  • Target system: linux
  • Dev tools: linux, eclipse, unit-testing, OOP, Design Partterns
  • Build time: 1-5 minutes
  • Coding standard: ANSI-C (C89/C90)
  • Function too long: my standard is pretty tight (100~200 is already too big). In our code we have some of a few thousands...
  • Code reviews: Gerrit (git) done by at least 2 other memebers of the team (and 2 approvals needed before releasing)
  • Code time: 40
  • Test time: 40
  • Debug time: 20
  • Favorite thing about dev: the challenges. If is just typing it gets too boring :(
  • Least favorite thing about dev: - limitations of the languages. - some clever guys that write code that only they understand (or think so). - bad code - bad tests (that take forever to run, fail intermittently and were done to make the code to pass.
  • Tdd knowledge: conceptually quite a lot. In practice, know very little frameworks. Also the company was never so keen in doing it, so never trained a that much.
  • Why are you attending: hoping to be able to really start doing it! but we will have to change a lot of mentalities first. Hopefully some big fish will be there too, and that will make a difference :) (you asked for the truth, didn't you?)