Course code: MOT-5
  • Years with company: 9
  • Years programming: 13
  • Primary programming language: Java
  • Other programming languages: C, C++, VB
  • Unit test harnesses: manual
  • Something else: Have been with Low-Level Display team, writing the display drivers. Now with Signaling team, handling of radio over the air protocol.
  • Test practice now: Hard coded some values to inject into the function to see whether the result match with expected result. Test the overall feature whether it behave like what it should be.
  • Target system: Radio Protocol
  • Dev tools: Source Insight, Rose RT
  • Build time: 5-30 minutes
  • Coding standard: ANSI C
  • Function too long: a function which try to produce two result, line of codes
  • Code reviews: FTR
  • Code time: 50%
  • Test time: 20%
  • Debug time: 30%
  • Favorite thing about dev: Turn the codes into the real life software which use by the people day by day which can help them to complete their task.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Testing
  • Tdd knowledge: Write small piece of test cases and developing small piece of code at the same time. Over the time, incrementally add on the number of test cases and code till feature complete.
  • Why are you attending: Replacement. Manager told me to attend this training and would like me to train the rest of team mates after the training.