Course code: OSRAM-1
  • Years with company: 5
  • Years programming: 7
  • Primary programming language: C
  • Other programming languages: None
  • Unit test harnesses: cpputest
  • Something else: I mainly work on 32bit micro controllers on wireless lighting applications (using ZigBee technology in particular).
  • Test practice now: Some modules are tested with unit tests (using cpputest); the majority are tested by running the application on evaluation boards and, after that, on the real product.
  • Target system: 32bit ARM SoC with integrated 802.15.4 radio
  • Dev tools: IAR EW for ARM; debug printf on UART; 802.15.4 sniffer tools
  • Build time: 1-5 minutes
  • Coding standard: No particular coding standard applied
  • Function too long: When it is difficult to understand the logic flow; or when it does something which is not explained by the function name alone
  • Code reviews: I review the code myself when I need to refactor it
  • Code time: 60%
  • Test time: 30%
  • Debug time: 10%
  • Favorite thing about dev: Craftmanship. Creating something with the freedom to choose how to do it. Creating something that people can easily use.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: I don't like sitting too many hours per day in front of a PC. I don't like headaches caused by uncontrolled software.
  • Tdd knowledge: I've read your book and attended a seminar on TDD for Java (Junit).
  • Why are you attending: I've experienced TDD a bit and it raised a lot the quality of my code. Now I face the issue of having a mess in the test code. And I'm not really testing everything. So, I want to improve.