Course code: DYNON-1
  • Years with company: 4
  • Years programming: 8
  • Primary programming language: C++
  • Other programming languages: C#, Python, Lua, PHP
  • Unit test harnesses: CppUTest, Visual Studio Unit Testing Framework
  • Something else: I was recently appointed software architect to start tackling our technical debt problems. I really enjoy writing software and want to be great at it. I always love learning new things. I would write code even if I didn't get paid to do it. So please push me during the training!
  • Test practice now: Roughly: 40% via unit test, 30% via manual testing, 10% via our Lua integration, and 20% likely not covered at all. This discipline is horrible, and I need help to change it.
  • Target system: C++/OpenGL on Linux target with 1Ghz CPU and 1GB RAM
  • Dev tools: gcc, gdb, make, QtCreator, SmartSVN, CppUTest, SciTools Understand, google perftools
  • Build time: 1-5 minutes
  • Coding standard: I wrote one, but the team doesn't follow it.
  • Function too long: When it is over 10-15 lines, tries to do too many things, or is not testable.
  • Code reviews: We don't do them, but I really wish that we did.
  • Code time: 30%
  • Test time: 20%
  • Debug time: 50%
  • Favorite thing about dev: The puzzle aspect, the challenge, creating value for people, the fact that it can always be improved.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Technical friction, bugs, untested software, wasting time debugging, accumulation of technical debt, flaky tools, wasting time debating with co-workers, dealing with people who don't want to (or don't know how) to change.
  • Tdd knowledge: That I want to do it, have tried it and it has worked for me, but I was unable to scale it to my every day work. That it is a different way of thinking for me, but I want to be better at it. Red/Green/Refactor is the way to go.
  • Why are you attending: To write better software. If we don't improve as a team, our company will die or I will quit. I want to support my teammates. I have been asking for something like this for a while now and am very excited about it. So thanks in advance!