Course code: ZEBRA-2
  • Years with company: 3
  • Years programming: 6
  • Primary programming language: C++
  • Other programming languages: Java, .NET, Python, Perl
  • Unit test harnesses: JUnit, NUnit, testNG
  • Something else: I like writing backend web applications in my spare time.
  • Test practice now: C++: I mainly debug or use print statements. Java: TDD; I write tests first.
  • Target system: QNX, desktop applications
  • Dev tools: Eclipse, IntelliJ, PyCharm
  • Build time: 5-30 minutes
  • Coding standard: I'd like to think I can do TDD in my role
  • Function too long: If I write it from scratch it's too long if it's longer than 4-5 lines
  • Code reviews: I do not have formal code reviews
  • Code time: 40
  • Test time: 10
  • Debug time: 50
  • Favorite thing about dev: I like being able to create anything I can imagine. There's always a tool for the job. There's also a ton to learn!
  • Least favorite thing about dev: I don't like having to conform to old or outdated standards.
  • Tdd knowledge: It helps accelerate development and maintains a fresh codebase by preventing developers from being scared to add new features or refactor rotten code.
  • Why are you attending: