Course code: WEB-35
  • Years with company: Half Year
  • Years programming: 6
  • Primary programming language: Python
  • Other programming languages: C, C++
  • Unit test harnesses: Pytest
  • Something else: I'm a relatively junior engineer and am interested in learning how to develop software more efficiently and cleanly.
  • Test practice now: Using some flavor of test driven development.
  • Target system: No specific system in mind, usually application-specific.
  • Dev tools: Primarily VS Code and everything that comes with it.
  • Build time: 1-5 minutes
  • Coding standard: Coding standard is relatively ad-hoc. Tends to depend on the situation and the project I'm adapting to working on.
  • Function too long: When it does more than the functions purpose.
  • Code reviews: Currently depends on the project, but generally pretty high-level.
  • Code time: 60
  • Test time: 20
  • Debug time: 20
  • Favorite thing about dev: There are endless ways to approach many problems, there's satisfaction in doing it well.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: It isn't all exciting- keeping up on new standards and methodologies can be hard to do.
  • Tdd knowledge: Nothing officially, just a general understanding of the design methodology from some books. Basically that you structure your developed code around pre-written tests.
  • Why are you attending: I've used TDD before, but I wanted to get a real understanding of what that means to become a better developer.