Course code: ROL-2
  • Years with company: 27
  • Years programming: 40
  • Primary programming language: c / c++
  • Other programming languages: many years ago pascal / fortran assembler 8051 cores
  • Unit test harnesses: ?
  • Something else: i studied communications engineering. After my graduation my first job was in a company which was producing video-tape-recorders. A was designing hard- an software for electronic components. After 10 years i changed to RATIONAL company, as they were recruiting a software engineer working with controllers based on the 8051 core. From that on, i am working at RATIONAL company...
  • Test practice now: i am testing my components either on a Intel-PC, or in a kind of simulation on the target.
  • Target system: arm-single-core controller, linux, 2 main processes running (mmi and base), too less RAM, too less computing power,...
  • Dev tools: tools provided by the OS, QT-creator, geany, gdb,...
  • Build time: 1-5 minutes
  • Coding standard: ?
  • Function too long: when i lose the overview
  • Code reviews: we are designing components of the cooking oven. The collaboration in our system is the part, causing problems because in many cases the behaviour of these components cannot be foreseen. The big issue is not the SW, but the system behaviour...
  • Code time: 20
  • Test time: 40
  • Debug time: 40
  • Favorite thing about dev: ?
  • Least favorite thing about dev: missing understanding of non concerned people about the complexity of that...
  • Tdd knowledge: nothing, as there was no need know it.
  • Why are you attending: i did not subscribe to that training. (my personal opinion is, that such a procedure might be helpful to develop stable code, but it is not the solution for our main issues...) My boss asked me to do so...