Course code: WEB-31
  • Years with company: 5
  • Years programming: spotty 15
  • Primary programming language: matlab
  • Other programming languages: ruby, C, java, vhdl, labview
  • Unit test harnesses: only custom vhdl testbenches, a long time ago
  • Something else: I'm an electrical engineer, so I generally hand off my hardware after designing it to our embedded folks. I have programmed my own hardware in C in the past and want to get back to bringing up my own boards.
  • Test practice now: The programming I do now is more scripting to analyze data and so it is generally running right in front of me and I am the consumer of the output, so my eyes are the test.
  • Target system: Various embedded MCU's.
  • Dev tools: TI's Code Composer Studio, Altium, matlab
  • Build time: 1-5 minutes
  • Coding standard: N/A
  • Function too long: N/A
  • Code reviews: N/A
  • Code time: 1
  • Test time: 1
  • Debug time: 1
  • Favorite thing about dev: The quick development cycle. I don't have to send a design out to get fabricated, I just have to compile it.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Its intangibility
  • Tdd knowledge: My understanding is that it's defining the successful outputs of a function before the function is written. And that this approach would lend itself to simpler software architecture and collaboration between contributors.
  • Why are you attending: I want to get more familiar with our product's code base and start bringing up my own boards, or at least refresh my skillset for doing so.