Course code: WEB-28
  • Years with company: <1
  • Years programming: 3
  • Primary programming language: java
  • Other programming languages: python, C#, little HTML/CSS
  • Unit test harnesses: N/A
  • Something else: i like to play/watch basketball
  • Test practice now: by doing my own little small tests, pass and fail tests.
  • Target system: N/A
  • Dev tools: Momentics IDE Eclipse IDE BitBucket Github
  • Build time: 31-60 seconds
  • Coding standard: My coding standard is when a issue is solved with the most efficient code.
  • Function too long: if there is a lot of repetition in a function, then i believe it can be cut down and simplified.
  • Code reviews: i have participated in one code review session. it was as a group with 6 or 7 people. good discussions happened on how/ or why a piece of code was done
  • Code time: 65
  • Test time: 20
  • Debug time: 15
  • Favorite thing about dev: i like developing software, because something that i made to help solve a problem or issue a customer was facing. its very collaborative as well, asking questions how things should be done,, sharing ideas to solve an issue
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Developing software can be stressful, if you don't how implement a function or method, or if you don't know what the cause of a particular error is.
  • Tdd knowledge: I am aware that there is a particular cycle you have to follow to do TDD
  • Why are you attending: part of training for work