Course code: WEB-26
  • Years with company: 3
  • Years programming: 15
  • Primary programming language: C
  • Other programming languages: C++ & Python
  • Unit test harnesses: None
  • Something else:
  • Test practice now: Debug later
  • Target system: Embedded C running either bare metal or FreeRTOS on an MSP430
  • Dev tools: IAR and CCS
  • Build time: 11-30 seconds
  • Coding standard: No formalized or documented standard. Programmer has freedom to write the code as they see fit using some best practices.
  • Function too long: When it starts to do more than a small, well-defined task.
  • Code reviews: Peer review
  • Code time: 30
  • Test time: 30
  • Debug time: 40
  • Favorite thing about dev: Working though the logic of creating and designing a system and seeing it perform as intended.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Finding hidden bugs and edge cases.
  • Tdd knowledge: It's a process to build code through automated tests. The tests check each path of a decision tree, verify memory allocation, as well as force the writer to think through the function's external interface. It also keeps the functions targeted.
  • Why are you attending: I heard about TDD from a co-worker whose been using it on his own developments. I see the benefits to it and want to learn more.