Course code: SAND-1
  • Years with company: 8
  • Years programming: 17
  • Primary programming language: C
  • Other programming languages: Python, C++, sh/bash
  • Unit test harnesses: None-- create by hand
  • Something else: I have a collection of items from Pea Soup Andersen's restaurants/gift shops
  • Test practice now: Manual unit tests; full unit testing over time, sometimes with the aid of continuous integration with the embedded systems in the loop
  • Target system: Various custom boards with mostly various ARM Cortex-M3/M4-based microcontrollers; FreeRTOS, bare metal, or QP, depending on project; mostly C, but sometimes C++
  • Dev tools: IAR or GCC
  • Build time: 11-30 seconds
  • Coding standard: We have one, but it does not seem universally followed; Different projects/leads in our group place different levels of importance on the coding standard
  • Function too long: Contains multiple unrelated functionality or too repetitive
  • Code reviews: Usually small sections get reviewed line-by-line
  • Code time: 10%
  • Test time: 60%
  • Debug time: 30%
  • Favorite thing about dev: Sense of accomplishment and creating something new
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Tool issues, differing coding style (beyond just what standards cover), dealing with legacy code
  • Tdd knowledge: Tests/testing are developed along with the actual code
  • Why are you attending: TDD seemed like something, since already offered, I should at least be exposed to, since at least in theory, it seems like a good idea. I will decide whether it is something I actually want to integrate into my development process.