Course code: ACL-1
  • Years with company: 2.8
  • Years programming: 4
  • Primary programming language: C
  • Other programming languages: Java, Matlab/Octave, Python
  • Unit test harnesses: We have used CMAKE with mingw32 for genereting unit test
  • Something else: I am very curious, always willing to learn new things that can make me grown, not only as an engineer, but also as a person.
  • Test practice now: I try to make new functionalities as isolated as possible so that we can then make unit testing on them. Thanks to Cmake we are able to launch our libraries and check if new changes in code have broken other modules.
  • Target system: We make Smart meters => embedded system
  • Dev tools: IAR embedded, Cmake, mingw
  • Build time: 5-30 minutes
  • Coding standard: We have a document describing our coding standard. They can variate a bit between projects but the idea is to have the same in future work
  • Function too long: When it has many lines and you have to scroll. When you see that some functionalities can be extracted as other functions.
  • Code reviews: I try reviewing every little time what I am coding. Performing unit test helps.
  • Code time: 30
  • Test time: 20
  • Debug time: 50
  • Favorite thing about dev: I like "the creation of something". The feeling when you have started from something that was not even existing and then you start seeing how it gets "live".
  • Least favorite thing about dev: When you get stuck with long/boring repetitive task. (Sometimes you can turn this into an entertaining task, making a program to do those repetitive and boring tasks ;) )
  • Tdd knowledge: I know little. We had no TDD a year a got and we are in the process of introducing it. As far as I know, it consist of developing using a different approach where you program smaller functions (isolating functionalities) to test them correctly.
  • Why are you attending: As I said, we have started with TDD not long time ago. I want to attend it so that we can learn more, see what we are doing wrong, what should we change, new approaches, etc.