Course code: JHAP-1
  • Years with company: 20+
  • Years programming: 20+
  • Primary programming language: C++
  • Other programming languages: Python, C, Julia, Matlab, VHDL
  • Unit test harnesses: Google Test, Python unittest
  • Something else: Am an electrical engineer that does a lot of programming, mostly for signal processing and command and control.
  • Test practice now: I like to build an abstraction layer into my code that allows it to run on PC or embedded. Then I build a bunch of test cases that I run through it using a Python script. Output is generally plots of signal processing performance
  • Target system: Varies from embedded Linux to FreeRTOS mostly on ARM and x86 platforms.
  • Dev tools: Visual Studio Code, Cmake, Docker, and Atmel Studio. I prefer to develop using Linux.
  • Build time: 31-60 seconds
  • Coding standard: I follow a one page standard provided by an associate.
  • Function too long: I sort of eyeball this...
  • Code reviews: Often there are no code reviews, I am the only person doing software.
  • Code time: 20
  • Test time: 20
  • Debug time: 20
  • Favorite thing about dev: I like independent work and figuring out the details to accomplish a task. I like signal processing jobs starting with a simulation and working to deployed code.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Poorly defined requirements that change during the project. Hardware that is not suitable for the task. Unrealistic deadlines. Delivery of test code to a customer. Working with difficult people...
  • Tdd knowledge: Nothing
  • Why are you attending: I'm working with legacy code for an embedded micro-controller that has no unit test strategy. I would like to test parts of it on a PC and I'm looking to learn techniques to apply.