Course code: WEB-21
  • Years with company: 4
  • Years programming: 4
  • Primary programming language: C++
  • Other programming languages: C,JAVA
  • Unit test harnesses: Google Test, GMock
  • Something else: Over 4.5 years of experience in a software engineering organisation with excellent working knowledge of C,C++ along with Automotive domain knowledge on linux platform.
  • Test practice now: Using google test framework
  • Target system: arm and X86
  • Dev tools: Eclipse IDE (Photon version)
  • Build time: 1-2 hours
  • Coding standard: Standard defined for copyright info, doxygen style comments, private and public method name naming conventions, static and non static,global,member variable declaration and definition, memory allocated on heap freed properly or not.header guard def.
  • Function too long: if function code is greater than 100 line and represents multiple responsibility
  • Code reviews: 1.Does Implementation have proper design.2.Does code follows SOLID principle.3.Class and function should have only one responsibility & it's name should represent it's responsibility.4.memory allocated on heap freed or not.5.Comments are added or not
  • Code time: 5
  • Test time: 5
  • Debug time: 7
  • Favorite thing about dev: I love creating something new that has never been done. I love to solve problems, new challenges and learning new things. I love learning new skills for building better software.
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Testing efforts takes more time to check quality of code.
  • Tdd knowledge: Test-Driven development is a process of developing and running automated test before actual development of the application.It's a programming practice in which test cases are designed and implemented for very small functionality to validate code.
  • Why are you attending: It's a best approach to develop soft as it allows you to create a testable software because you are using tests to drive the development. TDD is rapidly used in all organisation to develop quality software,So learning this will help in dev. skills.