Course code: WEB-21
  • Years with company: 3
  • Years programming: 15+
  • Primary programming language: C
  • Other programming languages: Primary language is C for embedded, C# for Windows. Also assembly, limited C++ to date, some basic
  • Unit test harnesses: None.
  • Something else: Pinball collector and enthusiast
  • Test practice now: Debug later style
  • Target system: STM32
  • Dev tools: Visual Studio, Atollic TrueStudio (ST specific IDE), IAR previously
  • Build time: 1-5 minutes
  • Coding standard: Nothing formal, spaces not tabs :) Will be adopting something for use as company grows
  • Function too long: For me, when it's more than I can see on a screen at one time. Sometimes it can't be helped however.
  • Code reviews: Dev team of 1 currently so N/A
  • Code time: 45
  • Test time: 40
  • Debug time: 15
  • Favorite thing about dev: Watching what I conceived actually run on hardware and do what I want it to do...
  • Least favorite thing about dev: Layers and layers of abstraction... I know it's a necessary evil but it makes finding problems hard. TDD should help with this too since you should be able to "trust" the underlying layers.
  • Tdd knowledge: Heard it talked about in podcasts, started reading your book and also The Art of Unit Testing
  • Why are you attending: Small company without other developers, QA team, etc. Need better way to develop and maintain code and have higher confidence. There is not time or resources to test code so need to have other ways to test (ie: automated)...